
sis-STEM is a proposed web service dedicated to encouraging young women to engage with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) disciplines and consider STEM careers through visibility, active mentorship and positive enforcement.

I created this concept as part of my third web development assignment for ACG Yoobee School of Design. My main development areas included hand-coding a JavaScript career quiz and working with the Google Maps API.

Thumbnails and wireframes for website.

The design of the quiz and the site went through a number of iterations. My target audience consisted mainly of high-school aged young women, so the graphics had to be bright and simple.

sis-STEM on different devices.

The first element of the site was focused on letting young women know that they can find a fun STEM career to engage with. I created a quiz that would encourage girls to think about what they are good at, where they like to work and how they like to learn, and then match their answers up with a STEM field. I wanted to make sure young people could see STEM fields as more than just classrooms and lab coats. This industry is incredibly diverse and there are lots of exciting careers that need more airtime!

Desktop version of home page.

I decided to pursue flat designs and created a number of fun illustrations depicting different STEM fields to visually appeal to a young audience.

Quiz results on an iPhone 6. Quiz results on a desktop.

The second major feature had to do with visibility. "You can't be what you can't see" has become a powerful motto for many representation projects and I wanted to take this idea on when it came to young women in STEM.

The following part of my site aims to connect young aspiring scientists, tech gurus, engineers and mathematicians with established women already succeeding in their chosen field. The page detects the visitor's location and then shows which mentors are nearby.

Mentors page on a tablet.

Since this is only a concept, all names/emails and businesses/locations are fictional. All of the names were randomly generated from lists of most common first and last names. Any similarity to existing people/businesses is completely accidental.

Thanks for viewing!